Publications that resulted from research performed in ArtMotor

The lawnmower, a protein based molecular motor that moves along a microfabricated track

The team of authors demonstrated the world’s first artificial motor that uses proteins to create movement: a microsphere that moved forward autonomously thanks to a layer of proteins, specifically enzymes. Since the enzymes cut another layer of “grass molecules” on a glass surface like a lawnmower, the microsphere moved forward. The necessary energy was released as the enzymes cut the “grass”.
This engine uses biological proteins found in nature and numerous proteins need to interact.

Motility of an autonomous protein-based artificial motor that operates via a burnt-bridge principle. Korosec, C.S., Unksov, I.N., Surendiran, P. et al. Nat Commun 15, 1511 (2024).

Publications that provide important background for ArtMotor

Pathway towards artificial protein motors

From general principles for macromolecular motors, the researchers derived a pathway to generating synthetic motor proteins. Using a modular assembly approach, the first objective is the construction of a clocked walker. The clocked walker (or tumbleweed) is a motor type that is driven by external forces in the aqueous solution. The second objective is the construction of an autonomous walker which is driven by enzymatic reactions.

Synthetic biology approaches to dissecting linear motor protein function: towards the design and synthesis of artificial autonomous protein walkers. Linke, H., Höcker, B., Furuta, K. et al.  Biophys Rev 12, 1041–1054 (2020).